Our blooming little family

4:20 PM

Big shout out to Lovely Winks Kids  for the cutest leather booties Emma is wearing. They are seriously so cute and such great quality.

So here are are 3 things I love about being a family of 3

...I like lists better then actually writing out a full blog if you haven't noticed yet..

Erin's 3

  1.  I have someone else to take pictures with all day long. Pictures aren't Landon's favorite thing so Emma is the perfect replacement.
  2.  Everyone notices us now because we are those kids with the cute baby. She brings us so much attention. And I LOVE it when people tell me how cute she is :)
  3.  We never get bored anymore! Emma always gives us something to do, someone to play with, and someone to just admire all day long at.

Landon's 3..
These are his exact answers when I asked him today. I dont think he really understood what they were for.. so just keep that in mind ;)

1."waking up in the mornings to a smiley happy baby girl"
2. "having the radio and air conditioning to myself cause you're always in the back with Emma now"
3. "our parents com visit more and in spoiling the baby save us money ;) "

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