11:39 AM

bump: Would you look at the size of that thing!!! Uhm yes I am defiantly pregnant. (granted I looked pregnant in this dress before I was even pregnant. ha)  Its about time too, cause baby is coming TOMORROW!!!! Im getting soo soo soo excited!! I cant stop telling Landon. "Were having a baby!" "She will be here in __ days!!!" I kind of like this whole being induced thing. No suprises. 
diet/cravings: Ive been eating alot more lately! Its still just kind of snacking and not really meals but i snack all day. ive also been on a huge peanut butter and jelly kick, but i think thats just cause I really want something sweet and thats all we got in the house.

nursery: Those dang shelves still arent up. oh well.  Baby girl will still love her bedroom.

movement:  Baby girl is still being a night owl. But I dont care I cant sleep much at night either thinking about her. I've never loved feeling her kick more then I have this past week.  Its becoming so real but at the same time I cant believe what is inside of me is actually her!

weight: a whoppin 23lbs.

doctor appointments: I had my doctor appointment on Monday and I was dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced. WOO! Which means I didnt need as much rippening time so we could just come in Monday morning instead of Sunday night.

Photo Credit: Kylee Sumner, thanks for snapping some last minute baby pump pictures!

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