Land of the Free and home of the Brave

12:23 PM

We had a pretty simple Fourth of July this year. We stayed in Rexburg and watched the parade in the morning. It was the LOONGEST parade ever! It was so packed and crowded that we had no where to sit or even stand. We finally found a spot on a few big rocks in the middle of some tall plants that were park of the exterior decoration of Broliums. After about the first hour we were kind of getting tired and hot, so we decided to head into Broliums to buy food for the BBQ later hopefully the parade would be over by the time we got out/. 30 minutes later we come out and the parade is still going! Fighting traffics of people and chairs we started walking to the car carrying all our groceries. HA.

We finally made it to the car and back home. We prepared our salad and food for the BBQ and then we had a solid nap on the couch. We had the BBQ with a few of our neighbors in the ward and it was super fun! We then drove to Driggs, Idaho for the firework show. At the park we stayed at there were clear signs that said "NO fireworks in Park" we had brought a few and decided the baseball field was pretty safe. Well none of  us were very experiences and put the one and only fireworks we had that actually shot up in the sky sideways..bad mistake. Lets just say I almost got shot by fireworks and Landon had to stomp out some flames.. Never doing that again.

The boys got to play a little basketball and found so much amusement in catching their grapes in their mouths at a long distance. It was very entertaining. We ended the evening with a great firework show and then drove back to rexburg. Next year we are hoping to make it to Idaho Falls for the Fourth, we decided we wanted to go just once to say we had the experience.

Happy FOURTH everyone!

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